Straight and Rickrack tape on a Cubano white shirt
The Dandy is dead, Long Live the Dandy!
The emotional body
It is the water in our body and environment that connect us directly with our emotions.  Water can cleanse away painful emotions and enhance joyful feelings when it is balanced in our being.  Too much water can lead to a manic kind of state where we feel huge emotional highs and deep depressing lows.  Too little water can lead to a sense of numbness and feeling disconnected from our emotions.
The mental body
Although science connects the mind with the brain, I have found in my work that the mind is also connected to our energetic field or aura.  Not only do our own thoughts affect and even create our reality, but so to does the collective mind, that we all tap into unconsciously, affect what we perceive.
The physical body
There is an obvious connection between the earth and our physical body…at least it’s obvious to me.  There is no denying the physical effect the earth realm has on our bodies.
The Spiritual Body
Regardless of our spiritual path, even a lack-there-of, science has proven that we are all energy which is connected to the element of Fire.  Our fire element is associated with our passion, our faith, our inner wisdom and our psychic senses.  When our Fire element is balanced in our life there is plenty of soul to nourish our spirit.
The facade of a superstar is a well thought out process involving a team of professionals
Gaultier's Torpedo Bikini
Freelance project: Design a graphic for the HARD ROCK restaurant merchandise. Printed on Cotton, one color.

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